Thursday, February 09, 2006

Faulkner, dude.

I've been reading and analyzing Faulkner's "Barn Burning" for a few days, and I have to admit, I like the guy. For me, his sentences require multiple reads, but it's worth it. In the spirit of exercise, I wrote a long sentence for my paragraph.

"I burned myself--scalded with boiling tea so that my skin's been smudged into ridges and boils and stained with the scent of peppermint, almost pungent and sharp, its already-scarred thickness further purpled and roughed by heat, which makes my fingers twitch at sight of a mug of steaming liquid."

So it wasn't very long. Oh well.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

molto bene (spelling???)

glad to see you are still doing your daily thing! i like it.