Sunday, February 19, 2006

Knowledge is POWER!!!!

"MRI" stands for "magnetic resonance imaging." Your body is exposed to radio waves while in a magnetic field, and a picture is created by energy emitted from hydrogen atoms in the body. Cool!

The mridanga is a drum from India that is shaped like an elongated barrel and has tuned heads of different diameters.

The msasa tree is a small shrubby tree from Africa that is flat-topped; it grows in savanna forests of South and Eastern Africa (Tanzania, Mozambique, etc).

Also, did you know Tanzania is The United Republic of Tanzania, made of Tanganyika (the mainland) and Zanzibar (an island)? Except Zanzibar isn't a very good republic, because it's more of a theocracy that kills a lot of people. Ah! And Tanzania's first president was actually a widely respected literary figure--he translated some Shakespeare into kiswahili.

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